Greener Environment and Better Local Community Spaces

Conservative Council Candidate Manifesto:

  • Summer events program at council parks to focus on families - Our local parks are fantastic assets for our Borough and we will pilot a program of events in our local parks in the summer holidays for local families and children.
  • Support residents who want to plant trees or bulbs in grass verges - The planting of trees or flowers in grass verges can brighten up our local streets, provide habitats for local birds and wildlife, help prevent inappropriate parking and even slow down speeding drivers. We will fully support local residents with the process to seek permission from Essex County Council to plant in grass verges outside your house and help you plant them. We will also provide trees suitable for grass verges for free from the Essex Forrest Initiative and other local donors.
  • Wilding more green spaces - As well as planting arranged bulbs and trees, we will also support residents who would like their local grass verges to be wilded to promote biodiversity. We will also look to see what further areas of our local parks and commons can be allocated for rewilding.
  • Support for more local ' Community Speed Watch' volunteer groups in our towns - We will support the establishment of more local community speed watch groups across the borough with funds from the community safety partnership.
  • Continue to support the work of local community groups and residents that make a difference to our environment. - These include  Castle Point Clean-up Crew, the Castle Point Climate Change Forum, The Castle Point Wildlife Group, Baywatch and the Friends of Conchord BeachThe environment we live in is better for their hard work and we will continue to actively support them and work with them to improve and protect our environment still further.