Local Cost of Living Support 

Conservative Council Candidate Manifesto:

  • Create a Cost of Living Hub for local residents to get advice and support - Rises in the cost of living have hit everyone this year and every resident should have access to advice and support on how to cut costs and get all the support available to them. The Conservatives will set up a hub that every resident will have access to so they can get the support they need.
  • Local Pension Credit Campaign - Recent research shows that pensioners across the UK are not claiming £1.2 billion in Pension Credit owed to them. We will launch a local campaign to ensure that every pensioner in Castle Point understands how to get access to the Pension Credit they are owed. We will also launch a local campaign to help ensure all those eligible for a Winter Fuel payment but don't receive them apply ready for the next Winter.
  • Continue to pursue Govt grants for green energy and cutting the cost of heating homes - The Council secured over £4.2 million in grants from the Government under the Conservatives to insulate some of the most energy inefficient homes in the Borough. We will continue to actively work on securing these grants so more local residents can benefit from lower energy bills and so less carbon is released into our atmosphere.